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Hello, I'm Priyal

Designer, Researcher, and Reader

I have a wide range of experience from big tech to startups.

Previously at GoDaddy.

Open to new opportunities!

It's nice to meet you, check out my work below



Priyal Shah previously worked at GoDaddy. Her goal is to create engaging, meaningful, and useful experiences across digital and physical products. She loves working in multidisciplinary teams and believes it's an essential ingredient for creativity.

Priyal holds a Master of Science in Human-Centered Computing from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, and an Engineering degree in Information Technology from Gujarat Technological University. With her education, she understands the interaction between digital and physical products.

She led a research project focused on Child-Robot Interactions using a commercially available educational robot, ABii, designed by Van Robotics. She presented her research at an ACM/IEEE conference and other Data Art posters at a reputed Data Science conference in San Antonio.

Priyal brings extensive experience working in several industries ranging from design research to e-commerce. Currently, she is actively looking for UX Designer and/or UX Research opportunities.

Featured Projects


Designed the service

Rapid Research | Mobile App Design


UX Assistant

Usability Study | UX Research

Creative Corner

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