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Improved the design | Qualitative Research

Project 1 - GoDaddy - Header image

Improved website engagement and customer experience through usability testing, heuristic evaluation, microcopy, and user research on 20+ B2C e-commerce pages.

I worked as a UX design intern in the Design Commerce Engine team for 12 weeks during the summer co-op.

My Role
Responsible for user research, prototyping, and presenting. My role was to contribute in the process by making the process more error effective. There were a lot of possibilities of slips (Slips occur when users intend to perform one action, but end up doing another, often similar, action)

How did it function originally?

Did you notice that...

  1. Feedback formats vary, with some interfaces disabling the save button, while others display a red box or both a red box and a written error message.

  2. Different labels have different texts even for the similar errors.

  3. Some interfaces allow users to enter special characters or alphabets where only numbers are required, such as in a phone number field.

Error messages expose the interface.

Removing the pain from error experiences is critical because if a user encounters an error, they are probably already frustrated.


You spend hours filling out details, gulping down cups of coffee, and finally, click on the 'SAVE' button. Only to be met with an error message that makes you want to throw your computer out the window. It's like rehearsing for a big performance and realizing you forgot the lyrics to the chorus. But wait, I came to the rescue! I fought the error state and made the system more effortless and efficient. Now, you can fill out those details, enjoy that coffee, and avoid any potential tech-induced tantrums.


Basic Guidelines


Avoid the error occurring in the first place


Show the user the field where the error has occurred


Use inline validation


Be polite – don’t blame the user


Be precise – clearly describe the issue, and how to resolve it

Inform Users Immediately


Don’t Disable The Save Button


Alerts and Growls


Alerts shows the feedback about an action (Negative or Positive), or a warning about an issue that might affect the functionality.

Growls are okay to use when we want to inform the user about a system event that has occurred. For example, when a user saves a product detail without any error, a success growl appears to inform the user about the recent action.

Error Messages and Alerts

🆘 Error Messages

Email: Invalid email address
Phone number, Size, Price: Must be a number
Required Field: Required
Time Field: Time is invalid
Date Field: Date is invalid
Zip Code: Invalid Zip Code

🚧 Alerts

Category: The category could not be created. Please verify the data you entered.
Form: Something went wrong. Please check all the inputs.
Listing: This listing needs work or is missing required fields, and cannot be published.

Did my work work, or did it not work worth a quirk?

Watch the prototype working in the video attached below!


Personal and Professional Growth through Daily Challenges at GoDaddy
Every day presented me with a new challenge, providing an opportunity for personal and professional growth. Reflecting on my roller coaster journey at GoDaddy, I gleaned valuable insights.

🥷🏻 Prioritizing and Aligning Stakeholder Requirements
One of my key learnings was the art of prioritizing and aligning the diverse requirements of stakeholders. Navigating a cross-functional, collaborative setup requires a nuanced understanding of stakeholders' perspectives, constraints and expectations. I developed the ability to communicate effectively, ensuring clarity and conciseness in delivering optimal solutions.

🧘🏻‍♀️ Mastering Attention to Detail Through Practice
The value of attention to detail cannot be overstated, and I honed this skill through practice. For several weeks, I worked meticulously on creating spec sheets, perfecting my ability to capture even the most subtle design inconsistencies.

🧞‍♂️ The Art of Storytelling and Presenting Work
Another significant takeaway from my journey was the art of storytelling and presenting work. With numerous opportunities to pitch my ideas, present my work and facilitate design alignment sessions, I developed my skills of communication, persuasion and feedback incorporation. These experiences equipped me with valuable skills essential for professional success.


  • Improved website engagement and customer experience for 20+ B2C e-commerce pages across 3 browsers.

  • Led design recommendations for a team of 17+ commerce UX members and implemented design guidelines through confluence report presentations and reporting.

  • Increased overall customer experience by 11% by building user-centric products through teamwork, user research, and design thinking.

Kitchen Story

Revamped the website

Salon Express

Designed the services

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